A great product with lousy marketing will not sell. That’s how essential effective marketing is. With the increase in the use of the internet, marketing has shifted online too. No business can survive today using just the traditional marketing channels. With companies going online, digital marketing has emerged in a big way.
Here, our digital marketing agency in Bellingham will give you a low-down on everything you need to know about it and more.
What is digital marketing?
When you try to reach your customers online, it is known as digital marketing. Businesses use various online marketing tactics such as PPC advertisements, email marketing, SEO, and social media as part of their digital marketing strategies.
Why do you need it?
You might think that you don’t need digital marketing, but it can play a crucial role in defining and promoting your brand. Include digital marketing in your long-term strategy has the following benefits:
It helps track spending: Unlike traditional marketing methods, most digital campaigns have tracking mechanisms to measure and limit the amount of money you spend.
It helps reach target customers quickly: Social media and PPC platforms allow you to select your target audience, helping you get more customers in less time and money.
It helps you outrank your competition: If you are running a small business or a startup, it will be challenging for you to outrank your competition through traditional methods, especially if they have been around for a long time. However, you can use SEO effectively to outrank their website and use social media campaigns and influencers to increase your reach.
Who is a digital marketer?
A digital marketer is responsible for increasing a company’s brand awareness, leads, and sales through digital channels. They use multiple SEO, PPC campaigns, content creation, and email marketing to achieve these goals.
They have various key performance indicators (KPIs) that they try to achieve, which ultimately helps increase the company’s return on investment (ROI). Usually, in small businesses, it’s a one-person army that does it all. But as the business grows, companies hire specialists such as SEO managers, social media managers, and content marketing experts to focus on specific fields.
Is digital marketing for everyone?
Yes, it works for all kinds of businesses and industries, and even for professional individuals. The only thing that changes is the marketing strategy, depending on the type of business you run. For instance, in most B2B companies, the focus is on lead generation and getting partnerships, but in a B2C business, increasing sales will be the priority. In each case, digital marketers will design strategies according to the firm’s end goal.
Do I need to do all this myself?
No. You can hire a digital marketing agency that will help you achieve your goals, leaving you with the time to expand your business.
About Business Growth Management Solutions
We are a full-service digital marketing agency in Bellingham, WA. We provide all digital marketing services under one roof, so you don’t have to look anywhere else. You can reach out to us at (440) 799-5965 or at (360) 447-8040 to know more about our SEO services in Bellingham and other digital marketing services. Alternatively, you can also fill our online contact form.